
It has taken a long time, but gradually society has attained an understanding of the significance of design and, bit by bit, for the way it functions. Of course it will not be grasped in all its complexity but it is no longer to be thought thought of as final make-over, decoration or styling, but rather as an holistic approach to a task.

It is no wonder that persistently new paths can be taken straight from the design approach and it can be attributed a special pioneering role in the handling of new technologies, inventions and materials. Such grappling with the most diverse fields is precisely what constitutes design and it surfaces again in this very form at new talents – biennale cologne. The designers represented here work, amongst other things, at the interface of music and medicine, they research presentation forms with new technologies, analyse organisation and take on everyday themes such as the aged or security, that is to say, alleged security. Design is always a mediator between the most differing fields and competences. And it is exactly this mediation that new talents underlines and displays every two years by excellent examples.    

Christian Heufelder
Curator new talents Design